According to FSC®️-STD-40-004 V3-1 Chain of Custody Certification, organisations must apply FSC®️ core labour requirements to their certified business.
The new Core Labour Requirements are mandatory for all FSC®️ CoC holders from 1 September 2021. However, in order to facilitate the transition to the new version of the standard (V3-1), a transitional period until 31 December 2022 has been set for all new and existing certificate holders, during which they may or may not comply with the new requirements (during the transitional period certificate can also be issued according to V3-0 of the standard). At the end of the transitional period, the Core Labour Requirements are mandatory for all certificate holders.
By applying the FSC®️ Core Labour Requirements to their business, organisations will need to: adopt and implement Policy statement(s) covering FSC®️ Core Labour Requirements; and maintain an up-to-date Self-Assessment describing how they apply the FSC®️ Core Labour Requirements to their business.
The Policy statement(s) is a simple and publicly available document that includes the FSC®️ Core Labour Requirements. Many organisations already have statements or policies in place that cover the principles and practices set out in the FSC®️ Core Labour Requirements, and such statements and policies implemented may be used to demonstrate compliance.
PT Kayu Lapis Indonesia includes FSC®️ Core Labour Requirements in the Policy for Compliance with Employment Requirements (Decree of Directors Number: 01/SK-MR/XII/2021) and PKB (Joint Labor Agreement) 2022-2024