Understanding Sustainable Forest Life Cycle

Understanding Sustainable Forest Life Cycle

November 18, 2021

Our needs for natural resources are inevitable. But, unfortunately, we know that trees don’t grow instantly. One way to constantly renew forests is by maintaining a sustainable forest. Sustainable forests, in this case, can provide the living with both economic and ecological benefits. This is why it is important for us to understand sustainable forest life cycle.

30-years Cycle System of Woodland

Simply put, a sustainable forest life cycle involves the whole process and management of balancing needs and natural resources. The management-system goes through for about 30-years. This system begins by tending the trees from seedlings until they grow into mature trees. When they are mature, the trees are produced into such wood products/materials. Trees are monitored carefully so they don’t grow wildly. 

Whilst providing our needs, the sustainable forest must go through some processes involved in the 30-years cycle system of woodland.  This life cycle of sustainable forests not only involves logging and policies, but is also supported by an integrated-management system. 

Yes, it may take more decades, but surely it is worth the wait since a sustainable forest is one of the only realistic ways to conserve our Earth, given its importance for us.

 Five-Step Process of Sustainable Forest Life Cycle

A sustainable forest can exist if there’s an effort from employees and its industry, and also supported by civil society and the government. This is because the cycle is not only about managing, but also maintaining a forest through a long-term process. Here is the five-step process of sustainable forest life cycle, as taken from technologystudent.com.

  1. Seedlings are grown in greenhouses for a year until they become strong enough to be transplanted in sustainable forests.

  2. The seedlings/small trees are transplanted in sustainable forests where they begin from seeds to grow for five years.

  3. Over the next 10 years, the young trees grow in the natural environment, where they are thinned out every five years. This allows for the remaining trees to make more progress.

  4. After twenty-five years, the trees are almost ready for felling. The growth of the trees is monitored carefully, and they are felled between twenty-five and thirty years of age.

  5. After the felling, the wood is sent to the wood mill. Seedlings then replace these felled trees, and the twenty-five to thirty year cycle begins again.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that more than 25 percent of the world’s populations rely on forest resources for their livelihood. Interpol estimated that 40 to 60 percent of timber exports from Indonesia. So, lots of manufacturers and wood-based industries give attention to conservation, including Kayu Lapis Indonesia (KLI). As a wood-based industry, Kayu Lapis Indonesia (KLI) ensures and implements the sustainable forest life cycle to its daily operations and strategic actions for decades as parts of commitment toward nature so as the results will bring peace of mind to the table.

Source: technologystudent.com